
In the Event of an Emergency

In order for staff to care for your child, it is important we have current details of all contact numbers for parents/caregivers and an emergency contact if parents are unable to be contacted. We also require current information on any medical conditions.

Parents are asked to keep the College Office up to date with contact details, changes of address and telephone numbers, any changes in a student’s medical condition, and any change to the student’s family situation.

Bushfire Alert

Each year, families are asked to indicate if they reside in a bushfire prone area. On days of extreme fire danger or in the event of a bushfire, students and parents in the affected areas will be notified of the danger.

Extreme Weather

All classrooms are airconditioned for winter warmth and summer heat.


As a College, we recognise that we must modify our programmes for the safety of the students when there is a possibility of heat stress. Therefore, modifications to lessons will apply when the estimated temperature of the day of Physical Education is 35 degrees or above.

  • Students may bring bottled water to all lessons.
  • When the temperature approaches 35Ëš, drink breaks will be more frequent. Students are also encouraged to bring their own drink bottles so that they may drink water throughout the Physical Education lesson.
  • If the temperature is forecast to be above 35Ëš, the lessons will be modified by using the gymnasiums, classrooms for theory or indoor games, the Chapel, or modifying the activities to minimise physical exertion.

Inclement Weather

In the case of extreme inclement weather, modifications to lessons will apply when severe stormy, rainy or windy weather is forecast. Lessons will be modified by using the gymnasiums, classrooms for theory or indoor games, or the Chapel for aerobics, etc.


Students are educated and informed about Campus Evacuation/Invacuation procedures. Possible reasons for an Evacuation/Invacuation are: Fire, Gas Leak, Bomb Threat, Explosion, Chemical Incident, Intruder or as a Practice Drill. Practice drills are regularly performed and their effectiveness evaluated.